
Friday, 15 June 2012

Watch Movement Pendants - Timeless

After a small hiatus to finish university, I managed to get some extra stuff sourced from the the rock gem and bead show at Event City in Manchester, such as new beads, findings and general knowledge from the vendors.

My main find and interest though has been the internal workings of watches. This would preferably be pocket watches but for my first find I bought some rather dainty and lovely wrist watch internals from Timemill here on Etsy.

I immediately turned one into a pendant and put the picture online on my Facebook page, and I already got two of my friends buying two of similar style straight away. So I have decided to put the one below and another two on Etsy very soon.

Now I know my work should be based around gemstones, but using these old watch movements caught my eye and drew me in so much that I had to make something with them. Oh, and technically, the real or synthetic rubies that allow the gears to move with little friction are the gemstones part to the work. These small jewels also add a subtle drop of colour to the mainly metal body of the naked wrist watch.

Finally, the name. I have yet to give a name to any collection of items I've made yet, but I had to with these. I've chosen 'Timeless' because these watches no longer work, and are void of any time that they once had.
Visit my Etsy page here to buy one of (or all if you're feeling nice) the 3 remaining pendants. Use code 'timelessoffer' to get 10% off!

I'm going to strip down some larger pocket watches that I have bought recently from online and antiques fairs and use these parts to create something new to the collection. Let me know what you think of the pendant above and the name of the collection.